Same here, Harleighguy! California's licensing requirements are a bit inconvenient for deuce owners, and the registration is expensive if you don't take the Historical Vehicle route. Still, based on the accounts I've read from folks in other states, CA isn't such a bad place to register an MV. Some states seem to give lots of headaches to folks who want to register their deuce, HMMWV, or whatever, but CA seems to be more interested in taking our money than in saying "no". The only real hassles I've had with registration involved dealing with DMV clerks who were unfamiliar with Historical Vehicle registrations since they've done them so seldom. The first time I registered a deuce, the clerk wanted a weight certificate. Once I returned with it, it turned out that the computer wouldn't let her enter it once she set the registration as a Historical Vehicle; it seems that regardless of the CVC requirements, the computer only allowed a body type of "car" to be entered for a Historical Vehicle plate. So the next time I did it, I explained to the (different) clerk who wanted a weight certificate that it was my experience that the computer wouldn't accept a body type other than "car" for a Historical Vehicle plate, and that it wouldn't accept the weight certificate then. She tried entering it that way, and I got my registration without a weight certificate.
So, it's not too hard to register an MV in California, especially if you know what to expect and can be helpful and friendly with a clerk who's faced with an uncommon situation, possibly for the first time ever.
I just won a 1984 M923 in a GL auction, and I plan to try registering it as a Historical Vehicle. I hope that the much newer model year doesn't cause any problems. I haven't done a Historical Vehicle registration for anything newer than around 1972 before.