I've had my MEP-003A running producing voltage until tonight. I noticed a few days ago it was slow to turn over so I checked the batteries and they were low. I disconnected them and changed them one at a time. I hooked it all back up and started as it should. I ran it to begin troubleshooting the DC charging system and noticed that all the guages were to the far left. I checked and had no output on the outlets.
I have checked the breaker next to the run switch and its got 25v to each side. I've shutdown and started it several times holding it in the start position 10-20 seconds after the engine ran but that doesn't seem to change anything. I've changed the position switch to 3ph and checked output of all legs and have nothing. I've also cycled the breaker several times with no change (if I remember correctly I should still read voltage and Hz when the breaker is open).
I've read several posts here about no output but I'm a little overwhelmed as to where to start.
I have checked the breaker next to the run switch and its got 25v to each side. I've shutdown and started it several times holding it in the start position 10-20 seconds after the engine ran but that doesn't seem to change anything. I've changed the position switch to 3ph and checked output of all legs and have nothing. I've also cycled the breaker several times with no change (if I remember correctly I should still read voltage and Hz when the breaker is open).
I've read several posts here about no output but I'm a little overwhelmed as to where to start.