Yes, the Abbot is a self propelled gun, 105mm. The range is not a mere 'hundreds of yards", but actually about 10 miles with a 50 pound projectile. They did carry 38 rounds on board, six of which were HESH High Explosive Squash Head for anti-armour. However, they were never supposed to encounter other armour. They were supposes to be kept well to the rear of the line, with protection forces around them. The HESH rounds were a last ditch feature if they were broken down and had to fight. With armour of only an inch or less, they are no match for a tank. They are a field piece. They only weigh about 20 tons. They traveled in pairs of groups of 3 Abbots, each with a Stalwart 5 ton amphibious truck full of ammo, and each group of 3 also had a command vehicle FV432 variant and maybe a Ferret. 3 Abbots would be ready to fire and the other 3 would be ready to move in a leap frog sort of thing, as the front lines ebbed and flowed forward and aft. The only reason they are armoured is for shrapnel protection and small arms. Small arms should never be encountered, but you can guarantee that shrapnel would be a problem once the opposing forces get a clue where the artillery fire is coming from. In those days (1965-mid 90's) the returning artillery was not that accurate, so it would likely hit all around you, not on you. However, there is always the lucky shot to contend with. Being self propelled, they could shoot and scoot pretty fast.