Yeah the truck is home. Waited about 45 mins to get a jump , Justin from Gl was tied up with somone else. Took about 5-10 mins to get it going, damn 16 deg weather.
Brett from Douglass equipment did a nice job getting the truck home. I left 15 mins later than he did so I could check out Tom's truck for him and he beat me home. I was doing 70-75 and took a few miles off going the Pa turnpike, so Lord knows how fast he was going. By the time I got home the truck was already off loaded and idiling in front of the house. Was hoping to get a shot of it coming up the hill to the house....maybe on the next deuce I get
I'll post up some pics tomorrow night while I'm at work if it's not too busy. Still have to get the SF-97 done before i will be able to get the antique tags, so she'll sit for another couple of weeks.
At least she's home, sitting in the driveway. Makes my Dodge truck look like a toy next to it. Will give me some time to look everything over and fix what needs to be done to make sure she's safe. Looks like most of the electrical connectors ar split from age, gonna have to try and find a large surplus of new ones and start replacing them. Heard a clicking noise everyso often in the cab, almost like a breaker was tripping and resetting, wish it was warmer to be outside working on it. From the looks of things, alot of the parts seem to be original.
34 year old truck with 1/4" thick paint top to bottom, front to back. A paint scraper is not going to cut it. Time to get a blaster!