I ran a 5600 Ford on wvo, wmo, diesel, gas blend for alittle over 3000 hrs, the exhaust would glow red and it ran progressively worse. I decided to have the ip and injectors rebuilt. The guy rebuilding them said the pump looked terrible, that he had remanned 20,000 hr units with less wear and garbage in them. Ran my mep004 for around 1500 hrs on it and it blew a headgasket, may have been unrelated to the fuel, but I gave up on it. I had to clean the injectors with a pine dowel soaked in diesel every oil change just to keep them from missing as bad. Fuel filters were also a constant battle, even though I filtered the oil blend, after sitting a black goop would congeal in everything, and would continue to separate out for months.
Just using the wmo you may have less trouble as me, the wvo has alot of salt and water emulsified in it. The wmo makes the exhaust extra nasty, and was not pleasant to have to run the tractor, even the mep would stink up the hollar overnight. Also keep in mind the wmo has very...very fine particulate metals in it that make it past filters, but can create issues at the point of ignition(injector).
I now use the oil for heat, ...50/50...oil blend/diesel blend... with enough gas to make it reliably ignite in a coleman fuel oil furnace. I have had much less expense(the furnace was free and has worked great for 2 seasons) and headache getting rid of the oils this way, much less filtering, settling, and time spent working/ worrying about it...