Actually, if I had the cash, I would buy that truck at the buy it now price of $1200. It would be the perfect bob truck. I always feel kinda crappy about folks taking perfectly good 6x6s, hacking the bed off (and 50% of the time it gets scrapped), removing an axle, etc. etc. etc., in order to make a 4x4. Kinda destroying a 6x6 to make a 4x4, which is a shame. With this truck, the bed is already gone, axle is already gone, all you have to do is cut the frame shorter and mount the springs. Plus, if I was going to make a bobbed deuce, a beater like this is perfect - don't worry about trashing a pristine M35A2, this truck is already scratched and dinged up, a little rust, just the thing to beat around in the woods without feeling bad about doing it. All it needs is a winch.