5 ton newb here and thought I would start a build thread for the custom 925 I am building for work. This is new territory for me working with something this large and I have a few questions. I have read much about retaining the ABS when you bob a 5 ton, consensus is that the 939 trucks only have ABS sensors on one rear axle, which one? the forward most or the rear? I know I will need to rotate the air cans to clear the springs and also that when you dump the air the brakes lock. I also know there IS a way to "cage" the brakes to allow the tire to turn but I don't know the process, can anyone explain please. I would like to do this so I can pull the whole rear trundle out in one piece. I'm starting this Saturday and will post pics as I go but need to get a few of the basic things out of the way first. I'm a fabricator, not a mechanic so if my questions seem stupid well they may seem stupid. If I have missed this information elsewhere my apologies.