Goofy or not, the grey thing, aka Cadillac Gage Peacekeeper, was a production vehicle. Mainly used by the USAF for airbase security, it was built on a Dodge pickup chassis. The Lenco is the same basic concept, just newer and bigger and on a Ford chassis. Neither has much real off road ability.
I wouldn't go to war in one, but they make good SWAT vehicles, armoured enough for what most civilians can throw at them and able to go where they need to.
Odd side note- When the Peacekeepers were received from the AF, they were green. Some folks complained about the police driving 'military armoured vehicles', too aggressive and all that. So APD painted them grey and put Tactical Rescue Vehicle on the side. All better now, "It's not for aggression ma'am, it's so they can rescue your cat while under fire". "Oh, for rescue? Thank you kind cop!".
But, bought new from the factory, what colour is the new Lenco? The same green as before. Sigh....