RE: teaching
LOL, yeah Kenny, when you sleep in the deuce for a certain number of days, that beard saves on morning routines.
Chris, I'll keep my eyes open for the M756 parts for sure, I need some bed sides myself.
News flash: The list is again working overtime to help out. An occasional squeek, squeek from the fanbelt/generator has bothered me for some time and with time to spare at the moment here at my sister and brother-in-laws (Mike and Michelle Marson), I decided to replace the fan belts.
After the belts were off I discovered that the generator didn't turn over very smoothly...bearing(s) bad. Figured I could handle this w/o involving the list since it's not exactly an emergency.
Well, Gary and his wife Kelly Berg stop by for a visit from nearby Thousand Oaks while I'm working on the generator.
Gary shows all his fantastic artwork and we enjoyed a couple of hours here. (his website:
He also gave me 20-30 gallons of used veggie oil for use on the return trip. Thanks Gary!
A few hours after they departed, the phone rings and Will Wagner (Monrovia, CA) is offering the alternator from his deuce for my use!
Not only that, but Gary would "swing by", pick it up and deliver it to me on Sunday if it suited me! What can I say?
My wife, Jill was upset for missing Gary's visit. She is an art person and surely would have had a lot of questions for him. Looks like she'll get a second chance at meeting him now.

The alternater will be shipped back upon my return to Virginia, of course.
I think the alternator is slightly larger in dia than the DC-generator, so I'll be moving the primary fuel filter below the flange to provide a little more clearance (once suggested by Kenny Engle, BTW).