I am experiencing the same thing with the Globe trailer I purchased in Yearmo CA. All I get is excuses lies and frustration from Iron Planet/Gov Planet , I am able to dispute the purchase as I did use a credit card to buy this trailer and maby that will light a fire under their butts. Any time a Gov vehicle is to be auctioned they should already have forms in place to process the transaction from Gov to legal Civil ownership and use. You dont go into a used or new trailer or auto dealership and buy a vehicle and wait 120 or more days while they attain the right to sell you that vehicle, that would be illegal for them to sell you that vehicle. So how is that legal for Iron/Gov Planet to sell these vehicles without proper release of ownership from the government? I think it is just an excuse for sloppy business practices and the lack of interest in doing followup paperwork once they get your money. They figure we all just park these purchases in our yard and brag about it to each other on Steel Soldiers or something. I for one use this equipment in the business I am in and require proper paperwork for it. AK DAVE