If I understand correctly, a buyer has to fill out an EUC for each and every purchase. Wouldn't an idea worth considering be to allow buyers to fill out one generic EUC and once approved, cite it on subsequent purchases? For most of us hobbyist/collectors, our end use is always the same; buy it, restore it or part it out to restore another one and then repeat the process.
I would think that being "pre-approved' would resolve a lot of problems like; completing a purchase then being denied and having to go through the rig-a-ma-roll of cancelling the sale then getting the buyer's money refunded, cutting down on the paperwork backlog that causes the current delays in getting them processed, or getting denied and then trying to figure out what agency and why in order to get that straightened out; all the while our purchase is sitting and subject to the weather, damage while being moved around to clear space for later auctions, not to mention falling victum to the occasional sticky fingered parts scrounger. I realize GL tries to take steps to guard against this but it DOES happen.