November 22nd, 2011.
You have to love a man with deep pockets and a military truck that is not in the continental US boundaries! I put in for American Samoa and HAwaii a couple of times in the NPS, I suspect Uncle would have a coronary shipping a Unimog S404.114 and an M35A@+M105A2!

Unfortunately, I have two NPS Park Ranger friends at Garapan, Saipan at the American Battlefields WWII Memorial there, and they have been unable to get home as nobody wants to pay the shipping on a PCS, and they don't even own any military vehicles!

Even a CUCV would probably brown off Uncle, but we are going to find out just what he ships on my next continental PCS, as he got out of paying for my first three moves without the big green and tan iron....
Have a safe and HAppy Holiday down in the Islands.... I'd rather be spending the winter there then here
