Got home around 9pm last night. The Overspeed light got a nice workout as we ran 60-65 for most of the trip. We only scared the crap out of a few foreign car owners. The trip started out real well when the truck wouldn't start again after getting some photos snapped of it by DDoyle. Mangus and Gilbert came to the rescue with a slave cable. It still wouldn't start with the slave cable, but that's because there was no wiring between the batts and the recept. on Gilbert's truck
We used jumper cables to get it going. The alt. charged great at idle, but anything higher than that it would lay off. Maybe need a new regulator. If so, then the ECC will have claimed the lives of two alternators, mine and Cabell's.
We hauled the mail for the rest of the trip. The rear end was much bouncier without the 6.2L in the back. So bouncy in fact that Chad's 5kw set lept off the bed and flipped itself over spewing gasoline, which was an improvement over WVO. We stopped at Home Depot along I95 and righted the set and strapped the wee out of it.
The truck had enough juice to make it the rest of the way. The headlights were less than bright, but at least Chad didn't have to get on the bumper with a MagLight.
Great meeting everyone and we look forward to doing again next year!