I was just curious what the "correct" bypass hose would have been for my 6.2 but it seems VERY different than just a 5" So I googled 23500084 and it shows as 3/4" id at each end? Looks like it is just a section of 3/4" heater hose to me?
On my rig maybe someone changed the water pump or the fitting on the water pump I have, but the pump end is definately smaller - maybe 5/8" probably. So I had to double clamp it to get it to seal.
Found this for the 6.2 M998 as the list of part numbers in case this helps anyone:
Cooling System Hoses 6.2 liter
*= either make from bulk or use part number
Upper Radiator Hose 12339160, 5584041
Lower 90 degree at Radiator 12339162, 5578465
Lower at H20 Pump 12339159, 5574643
*Heater tube hoses 2.5" long (Qty 4) made from BULK 4720-00-491-0102, 14074444
*Heater tube hoses 2.5" long (Qty 4) 12339293-1, 12536950
*Coolant crossover to H20 pump 3/4" ID 5" long made from BULK Gates 4377, Gates 28412
*Coolant crossover to H20 pump 3/4" ID 5" long 23500084, 5740789
Heater inlet 90 degree 12339251, 5579996
Surge Tank with Round Tank to Radiator lower Tube 12339163, 5591456
Surge Tank with Square neck Tank to Radiator lower Tube 12340046
Surge Tanks to Radiator & crossover 3/8" ID 25" long (Qty 2) 12339155-1, 5579065
*Surge Tanks brass to street drain 18" made from BULK 4720-01-185-6673, ET029
*Surge Tanks brass to street drain 18" 12339977, 557899