I found evey manual known to man on everything imaginable at Tpub...Go to www.tpub.com. In the search block at the top type in 386-24. Click the button under it for tpub.com, then search. It will bring up all the manuals for the A3. You can view them in their entirety right there...I then paid the $9.95 subscription that allows me to download 10 manuals a day for 30 days. I downloaded the 24 and 24P to My Documents. I then copied them to a flashdrive (or a CD) and took that to a local printer. Two hours later I have the manuals. I had them printed on #28 paper, much better than #20 or #24. I had each page printed front and back like the military manuals...These 24 and 24P manuals are way more detailed than the 20 or 34 for the A2. They even include all the internals of the engine. They are several hundred pages each.
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