Big Green Truck,
I have to be honest, I'm not too familiar with the A3 variety (Mine is an A2). I found the wheel installation instructions in TM 2320-386-24-1-1 (WP 00175 00) . The A2 TMs are on the web site, but for some reason the A3 manuals aren't.
The TM indicates that :
6) Install outer rim (9) on then inner rim studs (4) with new locknuts (34). Finger tighten locknuts (34)
7) Alternately and evenly tighten ten locknuts (34) on inner rim studs (4). Tighten locknuts (34) 425 - 475 lb-ft
If you pm me with an email, I can email the PDF of that TM to you.
--OR -- maybe one of the mods will read this and tell me how to post the TM...
Good luck!