I read the sticky about the manual glow plug switch. When the switch is installed will the glow plugs cycle like normal, and the switch just allows you to turn them back on for longer? My glow plugs are bass ackwards if its cold the "wait" light wont come on, but when its warm it will come on. New sensor or relay maybe? Wouldnt mind being able to cut the glow plugs on and off when I wanted as opposed to what the relays and sensors 'think'. Or does the switch install do exactly that.
Also since I got the deuce me and my pop have been planning on some alt. fuel, like WMO and ATF, my question is can you burn 50/50 diesel/WMO in a 6.2 w/o problems. Plan would be to run said fluids thru 10 micron water sep. filter then a 5 micron final filter before using. Wouldnt use any tranny fluid in the CUCV, just oil.