i took the drivers seat out and assumed the dying roach position..... Something I learned from working on GAMAGOATS....
Anyway, I again took all of the fuses out and replaced with a NEW fuse, quicker than ohming out every fuse while squeezed under the dash. I also checked the ground wire from the dash. I pulled the connected, took an Emory file to both points and reattached firmly. At this point while pulling on the ground connection, I felt the E brake fixture move slightly. I noticed a bolt on the fixture and reached up to check its tightness. I moved it with my fingers...... So it appears that although there maybe other attachments points, this may have been the issue. I again checked the master power switch connections, removing each of them, cleaning and replacing. After all of this, I climbed back out, flipped the master switch and pulled the light switch and SUCCESS!!
i then took all of the fuses to the benched and checked each of them with my meter. All were good, ohmed to zero except one. The 5 amp dash lights fuse was open. I looked at it closely, but didn't see the break.
I got the trusty magnify glass out and sure enough, just a hairline break in the element.
This was 2 hours well spent and a hard lesson learned.
i hate electrical issues, but this one even more so because I "checked" the fuses......