I checked the frequency gauge - 56 Hz. Read some searched threads, and decided I didn't trust the gauge. Tried using my Fluke 187 meter, and got unsteady frequencies from 40-400. Tested my meter in household socket - 60. Decided I didn't trust my meter. Borrowed one from work and found the frequency to be ~48 Hz. Increased RPM and got it to 60 Hz on the digital meter. The gauge still reads 56. I also found that I get the most vibration at 60 Hz. Most of the vibration comes from the trailer canopy ribs vibrating and from the metal panels on the generator vibrating. This thing purrs steady & quiet at 64 Hz.
Would running it @ 64 Hz hurt anything?
Did running it @ 48 Hz hurt anything?
Pete (1st post)
Would running it @ 64 Hz hurt anything?
Did running it @ 48 Hz hurt anything?
Pete (1st post)