Anyone with thoughts on tires that go on this beast. It is one of the LEO acquisitions for the local police departments. I am having a hard time finding military surplus Goodyear MVT Load range L tires that it currently has on it. Load range G are pretty common in the same size (395/85R20). I don't feel comfortable slacking on the load range for such a heavy vehicle, even after we stripped stuff off it weighs 64000lbs. Anyone think G Load range tires (14ply vs 20ply) would be ok for replacement, I am thinking no, but wanted some other opinions. Thanks.
Anyone with thoughts on tires that go on this beast. It is one of the LEO acquisitions for the local police departments. I am having a hard time finding military surplus Goodyear MVT Load range L tires that it currently has on it. Load range G are pretty common in the same size (395/85R20). I don't feel comfortable slacking on the load range for such a heavy vehicle, even after we stripped stuff off it weighs 64000lbs. Anyone think G Load range tires (14ply vs 20ply) would be ok for replacement, I am thinking no, but wanted some other opinions. Thanks.
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