I got the new oil cooler cover in and installed. 3 of the studs were rusted off. I installed it using Black Permatex and the rest of the bolts. It looks like there is a 1/8" plate between it and the housing. It is now seeping between the plate, which I didn't remove, and the housing. The new cover to plate is not leaking. The housing looks like a big cast iron piece which includes the oil filter bases. Neither the 20Por 34P show this piece. I think someone mentioned it would be in an engine manual. Can anyone tell me where to find an exploded view of how this all goes together? I think I'm just going to use some JB weld on the outside to stop the leak. It's like one drop every 10 seconds. The JB can easily be ground off if I decide to try and remove this base/plate and replace it.