Welcome from Cape Cod. Where in MA are you? I bought an M105A2 in NJ at Fort Dix in real good condition for $200. Thought it was a steal! The only problem was the MV desease reared it's ugly head and I had to get a 5 ton to tow it
I'm in Abington. I've got a friend that lives in Sandwich though and used to spend a lot of time there. Also have family on the cape, we take our boat down once or twice a year too.
This trailer is in real good shape, no rot, some surface rusty but the bed is perfect. The canvas looks brand new but left out under leaves for 1 year. The axle rolls real well on uneven grass as it was in the sellers backyard when we looked. He said he towed it from the north shore and checked the bearings every 15-20 miles and they were cool. He was actually bummed it wouldn't work for his project.
I grabbed.some magnetic lights for the ride home tomorrow and I'm bringing my torch and wrench and big hammer to see if the hitch will spin. I'll offer up the harness to anyone willing to pay shipping when I get to that point. Actually the axle and brakes will be going but that will honestly be a couple years out. Other projects in the works. I just going to make it useable for now.
The short term, this will be a utility trailer and wood hauler. Over the next year or so, I'm going to add ladder/lumber racks and use it for my home remodeling projects and the small amount of side jobs that I still do. It will be for carrying long things, not really heavy things, I wouldn't do that with a single axle, high COG trailer.
Next would be to have a custom cover made that works with the bows used in the stake pockets and not on top of the side rails. This would be for travel/family trips and rare camping.
Finally a sort of "overland trailer" although I live in New England so the worst this would see is an open farm field during hunting season, dirt road or fire road that's why I don't mind the 105. Most would say I should get a m101 or m1101 but with my truck, the weight won't be a problem, I plan on dropping a few leafs and eventually swapping the axle so it is perfect for me. I like the huge bed on it. Plus, I generate a ton of scrap some how. It can sit in there until ready for a scrap yard run.