Welcome - don't get discouraged when you buy or bid, look, listen, put hands on and insist on a title from private owner- check now for requirements in your state to license your vehicle and insure it, time well spent on the front end. Know ahead of time or you WILL get a pain in the pit of your stomach before you even get you first MV.
Jump in here and learn from some of the best people with MV's
I started with a '51 M37 and meet a local group of MVPA members that got me hooked on the M35a2c also. Bid after spent time starting, driving and talking to the local GL rep - I thought I would be one of those that timed out from the EUC paperwork. It took 68 days to get my truck - but it is worth it to go out in the back and start and drive it around.
Hang in - life is full of surprises and this group will surprise you the most.