Check out the MTA in Northern NJ is a center point for some amazing shows, Red Ball in Sept, and Aberdeen in the Summer, But the MTA swap meet is up and ready to go for April 26 and 27 2014, We always sign the contract within a few weeks after each show, This show is a true ALL weekend PLUS show with crowds ALL day Sunday. Last year we had another record amount of MV's we hit over 160 on Saturday

!!!! We start there on Thursday, Friday is a very special show day that has become a must , BUT BUT BUT ONLY IF YOU BRING a VEHICLE for DISPLAY or VOLUNTEER to HELP OUT !! No shoppers off the street admitted on Friday !!! ALL IN HOUSE GUYS WORKING AND DISPLAYING GET THE EARLY BIRD DEALS!!!

We are a really friendly club and anyone who wants to be more than a spectator is welcome to come join us loading and unloading vendors and help and be part of what has become the largest in the east !! And that's saying allot with ALL the other AMAZING shows we have out here in the East and put on !!! Alabama is the furthest state vendors come from to do our show, And say it is worth every second to get there !!!! We look forward to seeing you , Ask fro Scott or Randy and make sure you Park your MV in the display area. We have the best Judges and hand out almost 50 plaques too

Camping hook ups and tent camping available, there is a fee but it is the fairgrounds not us who get it . Thanks randy