General Mcgregor
- 980
- 24
- 18
- Location
- Dover, New Hampshire
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that the New trans has been doing great! (refer to thread Just a couple of quick questions:
1. The trans grinds a little bit going into 4th both upshifting and downshifting, but only sometimes. It's not like a harsh grind, more like something is still spinning a little too fast. I just want to make sure it's not a mis-adjusted clutch or anything. Should I be worried?
2. When in first the normal 'whine' is a little higher and louder, like it is taking more effort then needed to move the truck. Only in first, not as much in reverse. I might just be paranoid but is there a reason for that?
I just want to make sure I did everything right, thanks in advance 4 the help!
1. The trans grinds a little bit going into 4th both upshifting and downshifting, but only sometimes. It's not like a harsh grind, more like something is still spinning a little too fast. I just want to make sure it's not a mis-adjusted clutch or anything. Should I be worried?
2. When in first the normal 'whine' is a little higher and louder, like it is taking more effort then needed to move the truck. Only in first, not as much in reverse. I might just be paranoid but is there a reason for that?
I just want to make sure I did everything right, thanks in advance 4 the help!