This CBC is designed for the M105 so you guys with the 105 beds on the back can use it. I think it is the perfect "camper".
As for bed length, I could have put a 9 foot bed on my truck it would be a little move over hang and for a dump that would be good. If you look you will find most cargo trucks including the M35 or F150 have the axle centered with the bed. I didn't look closely at stuff before I cut my bed up and mounted it on the truck. I only noticed that after I installed mine. Part of this mentality comes from the popularity of the M105 bed on the back of the bobbed deuces. The M105 "trailer" has the axle off set to the back. All trailers like that are made that way so you have tongue weight. Ironically the 9' or so the M105 bed is perfect for the bob with the axle located in the original location. The fender well don't match though. Also 9' if perfect for this too. My F350 cab and chassis has almost the same layout from the cab back as my bobbed deuce. The stock cab and chassis truck uses a 9' bed. Heck, we where selling Bradford beds a year ago. One of them would look nice on old bob too.