I came back from a ski weekend with my M35 and my camper loaded on it. A 250 mille round trip on a road which started at 1950 ft, crosed a 6000ft mountain pasage then a low valley and ended on a 7285ft mountain top. There was some snow but nothing much for a Deuce. They use salt on the road so there was no ice allthough the temperature was in the one digit scale. I added diesel antifreeze and the engine started after 30sec of cranking. Fuel consumption droped to 10 mpg due to the rouf road. Lots of people were taking pictures and made me ofers to sell. The family loved it. I have some pictures and I 'll post them soon. The magic word was "exhaust brake" wich made the travel possible. When I came back I saw the new forum. I have to learn some things but it is Ok. This is a great development. Thank you.