Here is my event before the event.
Our trip started off pretty good until we exited the freeway at the meet up spot. It was there that we heard a rhythmic hiss with each rotation of the wheels. I thought no big deal I came prepared with some tire jerky and a compressor and we will be on our way in no time. WRONG! We stopped and noticed that it was coming from the sidewall. Dang! Apparently it had been damaged in a previous life and what I thought was a superficial wound was actually worse, funny thing is I have had these tires for a while and even took them on several trail runs without incident.
We made a call to 100dollarman he said he had plenty of tires to choose from and we could take our pick just come on down.
I aired up the tire and if need be stop put more air in after all it was just a slow leak. We made it about 8 miles from his shop when the tire decided to become a speed bump on our trip to happiness. Well good thing (or bad thing) the military put run flats in these.
First we had to peel off the outer tread so that it would not damage the body. We cut into the side wall and wrapped a thick tie down strap to it and the other end to the bumper. Then we put the truck in reverse we were able to peel it away a foot at a time. This allowed us to make it to 100dollarmans place. Upon arrival... "Yay!!! we made it! Let's swap out tire/wheel with another and be on our we are on our way to happiness." WRONG! Unfortunately for us there were no tire/wheels available. We are going to have to reuse my rim and runflat. Dang! I had never changed one out before this was going to be a learning experience. Nothing left to do but roll up our sleeves, wipe the tears from our eyes and get to it.
We were able to reuse the run flat in the new tire. I would have thought after driving on it as much as we did it would have been junk. We pulled it out and not a scratch on it(these thing are tough)
Here is a list of what we used to change out a run flat:
1. a friend that does not mind looking like a monkey while jumping on a tire(or my case a cousin)
2. 3/8 chain 8 feet in length
3. liquid dish soap
4. long pry bar over 4 feet long
5. forklift
6. choice four letter words
Before 100dollarman's
After 100dollarman's

Thanks Mark! I owe you a couple of coldies.
Many thanks to Blendmaster and Prospector for cooking and many many thanks to Deb for baking the cupcakes that I did not seem to get enough of. It was a lot of fun and as usual it was much too short. I think we might have to extend these events into a week long. Here are a few pictures of the good eating. Just looking at these pictures is making my mouth water.

Note: Even Sasquatch came over and had to get a spoon full of the good corn