Here is my 1964 M35 A1/A2 w/winch truck, was converted over to an M2 model/multi-fuel in the late 80’s. I have owned the truck now for 5 years. The truck was in decent condition when I got her, so I started with the mechanical stuff to get her road ready. I pulled off all the wheels, removed 40 plus years of paint & repainted them. While doing that all of the brake components were replaced-(wheel cylinders, bearings, seals/gaskets, all hoses, master cylinder, rebuilt the air pack, brake shoes-all) & added a brake fluid reservoir kit to the inside of the truck. Other mechanic parts replaced was the entire exhaust system from the turbo back, speedometer/tachometer cables, gauge grounds, all filters-(oil/fuel/air), front axle boots, belts & removed the old axle vents & replaced them with ¼ fittings that allowed me to run the air lines up & away from them-(see pic). I also swapped out the old battery box for an updated/bigger plastic version so I could run two group 31 batteries along with all new cables & grounds. One last thing was to have the starter rebuilt & replaced the old solenoid. So now she starts, runs & stops!
Next I swapped out off the reflectors, headlights, air breather stack, mudflap guards/mudflaps-(semi-trailer) top winch plate & added a cover to it. Tailgate needed some new step handles & rear bushings so those were replaced as well too. Scored a vintage military issue Pioneer tool kit, so installed that along with all new hold down straps.
On the inside I’ve only done a few things such as new upper/lower passenger seat cushions, new pedal covers, shifter boot, new wiper motors & blades, starter push button, added a battery kill switch & new fire extinguisher.
The truck has the LDT-465-1D multi-fuel engine with the whistler c turbo & besides me completely taking it apart to clean/detail-paint everything its basically stock. The truck came with the non-air assisted transfer case, but however that has been since swapped out to the air powered model.
I just recently bought an M105 trailer to pull behind her & also have a tow bar that I plan to mount in the bed as well. As soon as I swap out the hard top on her for the better shape one I’m going to have a few rust spots fixed & repaint it.
I'm going to post pics of what I started with & how she currently looks...