First things first. May I thank all the MV owners and the very helpful Admins on Steel Soldiers for making such a cool site where we can all learn and grow our hobby and Keep each other strong and in touch.
OK... now for the fun stuff!
Legit going up against two Sweeeeetly maintained MVs. My M813 is no show truck for sure but has all the metal of a true MV. I did win a trophy at one of our local Veteran Fund Raiser Car Shows, so... maybe I can pull this off!
I will have owned this piece of history for 3 years this next month. The BOT's build history under my watch can be found here:
Had been looking for some time for an M813 with winch. Not much luck and was always behind another buyer it seemed. Finally found one in decent shape and an excellent price but on the other side of the US from me. The rig was located near Detroit. I know that is a long ways away but I bought...
From the first 2300 mile drive home to each time the BOT makes it way into the streets here locally, it is a blast to ride behind the wheel of. So far the BOT has been to every outing the UTAH MV group has done, summer, winter and fall. The BOT may not be the best preserved rig out there but it is having its retirement days spent having a blast!
First drive home. Many a mile, slow go at 50-52 mph.
The trip back was great. Made it is excellent time.
First Beauty show, took a trophy home!
Home from the first winter MV outing... WAS MUD with snow topping! Perfect!
Then the BOT picked up an S-280 shelter when I "accidently" won a bid on GOV Planet...
The BOT then went out for the PROVO Grand Parade and Strutted in front of an estimated 330,000 Utah Patriots for the 4th of July!
Still camping more in Summer....
and Winter
And Summer...
And then the BOT had some major surgery... Detroit Lockers for all three axles, and did the seals, brake lines etc... while at it
And again the BOT went out for a mudrun in the muck of winter... to RATTLESNAKE CANYON for our Winter MV outing...
Videos of some of the getting there fun are on YOUTUBE. It is way too bad that I don't have a drone or a mounted GoPro for the action when wheeling solo... I am sure I would get some views... LOL.
But as you can see from the videos below we had plenty of mud to play on.
Vote "THE BOT", you know you want to!