Katch1 said:
. My oldest boy said he couldn't see us because of the camo paint

You gotta love kids, he never broke a sweat, he said I knew ya had it dad!
FOr just that reason, I ALWAYS drive an OD/Cammo vehicle with the LIGHTS ON!! It aint pretty, but it really does reduce accidents.
Anyhow, the reason I'm writng this is I just had my near miss:
My 12 yo son and I jumped into my BIG DOG bobjobbed duece to go fill it up for a pheasant shoot in the morning. Headed off down a long downhill single track lane and when we got to the bottom; spwoosh - then NOTHING. Foot flat to the floor. Road is a T junction with fairly blind corners. Fortunatly, I always plan waay in advance and had downshifted already. I just reached up to the dash and turn the beast off. I let roll to a stop in gear with the engine off. I put it in low box and started back up and did a verrryyy slow three point turn to go back up the hill. No real danger involved at the time, but the next morning I would have about 20 gamekeepers in the back for the shoot. Coulda been really ugly.
SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME: why on earth is a duece a single line brake sytem? One leak and you've got tons of runaway metal on the loose. The problem for me was the stupid sensor on the end of the brake booster. STUPIDx10 that such a litle thing could cost a life.
Has anybody modified their brakes to a dual system? Is a 5 tonner a dual or single system??