With steel core, a very slippy, sticky, rust prevention, penetration lube is needed so the wires WILL SLIDE on each other, wire core needs about 1/4 the times lubed as fiber core for the same amount of usage, fiber core uses a fiber core FRIENDLY, slippy, rust protection, very thin liquid (should be for filling the core), the core HAS TO BE KEPT wet other whys dampness will invade the core which WILL lead to a VERY DEADLY CABLE, unlike a properly lubed steel core cable that can set in the weather for quite a bit, fiber core CAN NOT, even fully lubed, the dampness WILL drive the lube from the core over time, about the only way to deal with the issue is to lube the cable so the core is full of lube on a as needed basses.
Do not use canvas or plastic covers on the wench which look a LOT better UNcovered

or a winch due to holding moister and NOT allowing the cable to breath, rust is the end result, fiber core is not happy with the cover either