You bought a tramp oil separator. If they are anything like the ones we sell (Westfalias) the coolant (heavy phase) is water based and is a pump discharge and the tramp oil (light phase) is gravity discharge because ther is not that much oil in the coolant. This could create problems for you becasue the light phase is what you'll be processing more than the heavy phase. Light phase is oil, heavy phase is water. And you should preheat to 85 to 95 C to get a good separation. They aren't hard to set up as far as the ring dam (gravity ring) is concerned......but the parts you will find are least ours are...not sure about Alphas....they gave up theri service work to private aftermarket repair companies. Do you have any idea what you're getting into???? Just my
from someone who made a carreer of working on these things for a manufacturer. If the manual you have has a cross section of the bowl please post it. I'll be better able to tell if its going to work for you or not.