Replace 2 of the top-cover bolts with eye-bolts, with a nut to snug down against the cover. A short length of chain between them & a small come-a-long to a engine pick from the passenger side. I can swap a transmission in less than an hour, solo. Expect to remove the shift lever & reinstall it to help with aiming. Replace the brass bushing while you're in there. Don't forget to lube it before reinstalling the trans.
Uh, drain fluid first. May get messy otherwise.
If you pull the flywheel, get a bolt that matches the flywheel bolts- but 6+ inches long. Cut the head off & screw it into the crankshaft to help hold the weight. That bolt should replace the first bolt you remove & it should be the last one removed during reinstall.
Drop a bolt or two in the holes drilled around the edge of the flywheel to the chain/engine-pick to support the weight when lifting/lowering the flywheel. The crank bolts will only let it be reinstalled one way- expect to test-fit it repeatedly. It's a LOT heavier than you think it is. For added incentive, you'll likely be sitting under it, after lifting it to face height repeatedly, then trying for two full rotations to match the off-center crank bolt pattern...
Before you reinstall the fragile aluminum adapter ring, find the ground cable- if it's between the ring & engine/transmission when you tighten nearby bolts, you will break the adapter ring. Double & triple check this.
Remember to lube the throwout bearing & pivot points. Lube the u-jounts on the jackshaft & replace all the bolts with fine-thread grade-8's & all-metal pinch nuts. Add gear oil to the transmission & test it before reinstalling the jack-shaft.