It's been a while, life happens! The CUCV L92-6L80E is an unprecedented success! Pictures and operation videos to follow very soon! The exhaust was bent up for the truck and sounds nice. It's dual all the way back to megaflow performance mufflers. The truck has a nice bark to it yet an Idlely quiet at cruise.
The 6L80E is the only way to Fly! The 6th gear is .6 over drive and it whips them 4.56 gears right into shape! The drive shaft was fabricated a bit heavier and 3/4 of an inch longer and super balanced. I was chasing evldoer and it took me to get up to 90 to catch him! I took CUCV out for a spin and Oh My! I got a hot rod!! This is Cool! The L92 engine just purrrrsss! The 6 speed is a bit unusual but nice, it does a lot of shifting up to 4rth gear. Funny, Fun thing is ; you got 2 more gears and the fun begins!
The Engine ECM is just stock tuned with the features turned off to allow it to run the engine and tranny stand alone. evldoer suspects the tune is only making 300 ish horse power right now. Well I'll tell you, hang on when you apply the go-pedal cause it goes!
The issues I have is the power vs suspension. there is far too much power for the suspension as it stands. Thing is that is just how I like it! LOL! What I am saying is once the conversion is completely finished, the next project will be tuning the suspension.
Turning onto 49 off a YY, I stood on the go pedal, the weight distribution and shift caused this machine to wallow and steering correction only exacerbated the wander. Like trying to catch a trout in a stream with your bare hands, all wiggly and squirmy and FASSSTTTT! After about 60 I had to ease up and CUCV the wonder truck fell right in to line and went down the road straight as an arrow! Proceed to step on go pedal again and truck just went down smooth road as nice as you please! And the Brakes are Great!!! The brakes bring speedy right down! On a bumpy road at cruise speed the bump and oscillation need to be addressed as well.
Some Ideas for the suspension are much lighter rear springs, gas shocks. Right now, It appears the rear springs are even heavier than what is on other CUCV's I have had and seen. So the rear end is up and the front is also up a bit as well as the L92 and 6L80E is lighter than the diesel that came out. With the rear end up, I think the caster and chamber are tilted to the front and that contributes to the wallowing wander under hard acceleration. When driven like a normal sane person should drive, Speedy the CUCV is fine BUT...... The load carrying capacity and the speed this machine is capable of do not match so serious suspension tuning is in order for me. This truck is easily capable of cruising 80MPH on the expressway, (If you have the driveshaft for it). I am thinking if I want to carry heavy loads, I will use a stock CUCV and keep it slow. This CUCV is a high performance machine now and needs to be tuned.
I was informed by evldoer that the transmission shifts the way it does because of the torque modulating programming in the transmission controller, I like it and will likely not turn it off when optimizing the tune.
I have yet to unlock the full horse power from the engine and the suspension and tires also need to be up to the task. The axles and steering linkage need to be serviced and inspected as well as the brakes. The good thing is the CUCV started with about 22,000ish miles so the truck is pretty tight yet. A cruise control and a gear selector push button gizmo and possibly air conditioning. But one step at a time, get the CUCV engine conversion finished.