Hi guys,i have just returned from travelling a large chunk of OZ.We went up WA.s west coast thru Broome ,Derby ,Wyndham.Kununurra, then in to the Northern Territory to Darwin,Katherine,Mataranka,Alice springs then Past Ayres rock(Uluru) thru the Great Central Hwy back to Kalgoorlie then home to Perths hills.Many of the northern towns would have meaning to a lot of Ex U.S servicemen as many were based here during WW11 in USAAF and naval roles including those caught on the first bombing of Darwin in Feb 42.Nine out of ten American p40s were downed on that day as well as the sinking of USS Peary just to mention a few.You would not read about it,the VERY day i went to check on a Diamond T 980 that i had seen 34 yrs ago in Kununurra it had just been loaded on to a flatbed truck bound for Broome and eventual restoration,i missed out on recovering a starter motor and good hood side panel by 1 day.On the bright side we discovered the remains of two M35s both same 54 vintage as my sons one laying derelict in the bush 3miles out of town,we dutifully removed some good parts but only what i could carry in my already overloaded toyota troopy ,but had to leave some good heavy items such as gearbox,diffs,transfer box behind.