It can happen to almost any diesel powered truck. Years ago, I was driving back from Georgia to my home in Virginia and I was getting low on fuel. It was only five miles or so to the house so I pressed on only to be forced to make a sudden and fast stop avoiding an accident that would not have been my fault as a vehicle ran a red light coming from a side road. Coming to a stop at the traffic light, my 2001 Ram 5.9L idled down and quit as the light turned green. It would not start and I was blocking a busy lane of traffic. Soon a State Police Officer arrived, reviewed the problem, and advised me that I did not know enough to be driving my truck and threatened to write me a citation. Fortunately, a second truck was following me ,stopped, and we quickly pushed everything to the side of the road out of traffic. The good news is that I was able to avoid a ticket and I learned a valuable lesson.