Could be a stuck heater core or the core needing the bleeding valve for air opened (if so equiped).
My problem is I always have heat. The fresh air hose going to the blower is also hanging 4 inches above the blower instead of capping as I think it should (?). So I think I get hot engine air in no matter what. I think the previous owner did not want to fix heater core issues so he simply moved away the fresh air intake.
i also have sometimes windows and gauges steaming up when I switch on the fan when it rains. It still eventually defrost/defogs the front, but the back is damp. I put a small Audi auxiliary coolant pump to push coolant through the core, and now it smells a bit sweet. The motor seems to be churning quite a bit of bubbles in the beginning (I suppose I put it a bit higher than the manifold but still below the reservoir level). I need to inspect the core, I guess.