Well, soldering wire #2 from the regulator to the connection point of where it was broke off from seemed to fix the no charging. I was hesitant at first since i was getting OL on my meter without the output wire connected. I said screw it, what could go wrong and connected the output wire, turned the lights on and walked away. I was showing 25.7 volts at the batteries before connecting the alt output wire. I came inside to do some research as to svc/running light bulb numbers and switching to LED bulbs. 20 min later, i went back to check voltage, figuring i would be 24v or less, but not so. At the alt, it was producing 28.4 volts and when i checked the batteries, i had 27.2 volts. My charge gauge was showing on the line of yellow and green with lights on, and when i turned them off, it jumped into the green.
Now troubleshoot why none of the svc/running lights come on when switch set to svc/park, but when i switch to drive, all lights except both front svc/park lights come on, but I do have front turn signals. Thinking about switching all lights to plug/play LEDs, except for the headlights right now.