I just made a 110 mile recovery on a second deuce yesterday. I spent 3 days over three weekends going over the truck where it sat (highly convenient to have a loose timeline). It was listed as running and 'needs brakes.'
Did the following on site after purchase:
Full brake bleed with Dot 5 and a power bleeder. The Master Cylinder had a small puddle in the bottom, had sucked air and it had lost all brake pedal.
Sloppy minor adjustment on all brakes with the bottle jack and spinning the wheels until the shoes kiss and backing off ~1/8 turn.
Verified no brake fluid lost during the next three visits and really cranked on the brakes after the bleed and adjust to make sure I wasn't going to blow a wheel cylinder or rubber line.
'Unstuck' the parking brake with a hammer, hopefully I can free it up and salvage the shoes remaining
Found / fixed fuel leaks: 3/8" DOT line without the inserts, injector return lines leaking as well, fuel filter orings leaking
Fuel filters and gaskets (these had transformed from rubber into some sort of space age plastic super glue I had to cut out in chunks)
Engine oil and filters and gaskets
Checked / added coolant
Checked differentials/transfer case/transmission for fluid and state of fluid (drained and filled the front. Draining/pumping 80w90 in 4F temperatures=misery)
Aired up tires and checked pressure after a week, again before leaving
Multiple 'around the block trips' to check out my progress after getting it safe'ish
For the drive:
Ear pro
Bottle jack / wood block / 6 ton jack stand
Lug/budd nut gear wrench set with pipes
Standard wrench set, 1/2" socket set / 3/4" breaker bar with adapters to abuse the 1/2" sockets if need be
Hub nut socket
Magic wrenches (crescent): pocket, small, medium, huge
Volt meter
Vice grips, pliers, wire cutters (found a constant hot 24v wire dangling off the heater switch... that could have been sparky)
Drain pan, funnels big and small, long and short neck
DOT airline from trailer repair shop: 1/2", 3/8",1/4" with inserts and ferrules
5 gallon bucket oil, Walmart has T4 cheap and there's rebates currently
5 gallon bucket of transmission and transfer case fluid
5 gallon bucket of diff fluid
3 gallons coolant, 3 gallons distilled water
1 gallon DOT 5 with power bleeder
Grease gun w/a few tubes of grease
Pail pump
Fire Extinguisher (large)
Most important:
Plenty of time, absolutely no expected arrival time to try and make
High limit credit card
Insurance that provides free towing within 100 miles (I had to make it 11 to get into my radius)
Friend available for pickup/delivery/helping hand if Mr Murphy shows up
Lots of stops to check up on hub temps, look for leaks, listen for noises, etc. Great time to just look and it and smile as well as see the country side. Guess I'll probably copy the first 1/4 of this and make a new thread for the new truck