Flat finish paint does scuff easier than gloss or semi-gloss paints. Some colors show scuff marks faster than others due in part to the size and color of the pigments.
As for durability of the single verses two component CARC, I've seen no difference. The single component CARC has the catalyst already introduced into the mixture. The paint reacts with moisture for cure.
Most of my paint is shipped directly from the manufacturer via the distributor. The manufacturers know that my company tests all products received since they get material back form me with a discrepancy report. Once a company realizes that company X tests everything shipped and that rejections affect their quality rating, they pay extra attention to what they ship.
As part of a company being ISO certified, they have to maintain a quality system to track any rejections. Once they get to a certain level, they loose the ability to be ISO certified which can cause them to be de-listed from the qualified products list.
Paint that goes into the distributor level in most cases meets all the requirements for the spec. Some companies hold a tighter tolerance in their manufacture, so what I typically receive is as good as it gets.
Are the paint samples from TM9 printed of sprayed? The federal standard 595 color chips are printed on fiberboard not sprayed on metal and don't scuff at all.
IF the scuff marks bother you all that much, just scuff the entire paint job with the brown paper bag. This will keep all but the deepest scuffs from showing again.