The Kentucky boys might know about cool weather, like a nice balmy 20 degrees
but I see you are in Idaho. For the really cold weather, like way below zero, there is nothing like a stick-on mat oil pan heater. Get the biggest you can- in fact, I've seen one that has 2 mats, which would be great for the double sump pan. Warm oil builds oil pressure quickly and the engine will crank a lot easier and start easier.
Of course combining a pan heater with a coolant heater would be even better. I have both on my Cummins-powered Durango, and I only use the pan heater now. I've started it at -38 with just the pan heater plugged in.
With both heaters, it will start quickly AND warm quickly.
Of course once started, you need to maintain heat, so block that radiator! I have the stock 5.9 V-8 radiator in front of the 3.9 Cummins and even completely blocked I have a hard time building heat. It usually runs around 130 deg. in the winter. I may try adding a cross hose that tees into the radiator hoses and bypasses the radiator completely, maybe put a valve inline so I can control how much bypasses the radiator. I get plenty of heat to keep warm inside, but I'd be happier if the engine was closer to full temp. It would be more efficient.