Talk about a lucky day, I backed into a clients yard and sitting there was a 1975 Chev CUCV 5\4 ton Cdn with a radio box.

Won't be a CUCV, as they didn't make them in 1975. What you have is a genuine Canadian Army "Five-Quad" with a gas 350, THM350 transmission, NP203 or NP205 transfer case, can't remember what axles, and a really tough frame. Most of the ones I've seen are 1976 model years (guy just down from me in WA has/had one) and came as cargo trucks, line-layers, communications trucks and a couple of other things. They were in service well into the 1990s, though the ones that got deployed on peacekeeping missions tended to stay there afterwards.
Getting one with a comms pod is a rarity, as the vast majority were taken off and rehabbed for re-use on the truck that replaced the Five Quad -- the LSVW. Some weren't though. I know of a couple that sat in a yard up in Saskatchewan for awhile (just the rear bodies with nothing in them) but have seen none since when up that way.
Great trucks for the most part but Oh My God...the rust! The drivers/passengers floor pans fell out of a great many of them at which point there was a 'life-extension' program which involved a kit to replace the floor pans (rivets and Sikaflex from what I've seen.) Another problem they had was a bad driver's side front spring on a lot of them which is why they all seem to sag to one side even without a 300 lb engineer-type behind the wheel. Anyway, with a 6.2 diesel retrofit those trucks would be outstanding - and maybe the kit to allow use of lockout hubs on the front as the original setup doesn't have lockouts, and I believe you have to do something to the t-case before you can add lockouts.
(some were bench-seated and some were buckets -- most of the comms trucks were buckets. If you want a pair of NOS bucket seats for that thing - less the bases - I know someone who has a bunch.)