I think the question is ...why? I new what U meant right off, you were clear, alot of us really like the fact that so many cherish the idea of there Military History and keep solid trucks solid, as for hot rodding, i think the bobber is the culmination of everything that can be done and still be cool, these are My Opinions...and a duel stack showed above is very much cool on that truck, but in a stock deuce again I say why, but why because of what the trucks represent, to a lot of us cutting em up is kinda sad, But with that said I agree the bobber is a very cool and fun idea, I sure would drive one, it seems to me it keeps it in the family yet different in a well done way, It is not confusing anybody of what it is and what has been done with them....just my 3 cents its your truck and If U think its cool do it, as for the sound question it would have to be different ...the noise is being blown behind U. a widder stack makes more noise also i believe. so I would think there would be more volume of noise for those U are passing. and on both sides of the street. personally I think it would be silly in a still original truck, again my opinion since U put it out on the list... good luck.....
... oh and I just wonder about a inline 6 with deul stacks sometimes, but hey ..