AHHH Love a open ended question: Wont't start can mean from dead batteries, missing batteries, to missing engine, starter, alternators, wiring you name it it may be missing, butchered, of FUBARED. (oh someimes maintaince removes and installes the glow plug card backward so as not to start as a anti theft device) Keys Issue.. Get your own and keep it close,In fact have several, all cucv keys are the same, that is why you see a hunk of chain welded to the seat to go over the steering wheel. Off road driving in a M1009 is nice but if not carefull and put big tires on it you can snap a axle or blow out the goverment locker very easy. Not fun if in the snow A$$ deep to a tall elephant and a broken or blown axle. Tools: As many as you can carry both metric and US. This is mix of metrtic and us Do not forget the Damm tool retiever. Bring along Oil, Air filters, fuel filters, spare belts, Rad hoses, Air compressor, jack lug wrench, a can if diesel also. A 20 manual of you have one (STUDY IT) read and read and more reading of other peoples problems. Have a LOT of time if you plan to drive it home Remember murphys law repeat often as you scrach your head. Then go rent a UHaul trailer, LIE LIE LIE, tow home and repeat as a mantra WHY DID I DO THIS to the full moon while drunk. All in all to be honest plan for the worst and be happy with less. I keep reminding my self this is 25 year old vehicle with years of use and abuse I can fix it as i get another bank loan. I have a M1009 and a M1028, both now run good and I would drive then on a long trip any day. Have fun and keep the damm tool retrival tool close by.