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GA 2011 Rally After Action Report


The Envelope Please.
Supporting Vendor
Corpus Christi, TX
Just like last year, with Clints permission, this is for after action info only to look at what we need to maintain/sustain or improve for future GA Rallies.

For those that attended (obviously) and have input, give us 3 sustain and 3 improvements to keep this event the best there is.

Format it in

To start it off

-Pre-event estimate was for 85 vehicles which is officially 10 more than last year. We fell 1 vehicle short. We had 84 roadable military vehicles. If we considered trailers the number was 104.
-Sustain a growth of 10% per year. Slow growth is good growth.

-The location is still a major factor in the success of this event. It is relatively near Atlanta and has excellent trails and adequate amenities to support us. Durhamtown also bends over backwards to fulfill whatever we need in the way of support. The use of a Bobcat (24/7)with forks was a super bonus for loading and unloading.

-I didn't ride a trail this year but the mud I saw on some peoples vehicles validated folks were having fun. The campfire activities were going again this year just like last. We also seemed to have a few more kids floating around than last year and I estimate a 25% increase in spouses joining the fun. Although our vehicle count went up 10% I think our head count went up 25%. Clint proved he was a successful Commander for a week. He brought 200-300 people from as far as MI and NY, provided a location to eat, sleep, and have fun, and got them on their way all without significant illness, injury, or damage. Even the one accident we had with the wheel falling off the vehicle was promptly recovered.
-Sustain mission success.

-I thought this was taken care of but obviously it wasn't. We need hand washing stations for next year. As we grow, we also need more porta-potties. I think we could have used 2 more than we had. Keep in mind there is a cost benefit analysis that would have to be done on this. As the support is increased, we may need to pay Durhamtown more. 2 porta-potties probably won't be a huge issue. I also remembered they had another major racing event this weekend and that may have impacted on this.
-Improve by adding water cans on field tables with bars of soap in nylons tied to the water cans. I'm gonna have spouts added to the cans to make it like a faucet. Down side is we will need to do our own jug refill. That means we will need a detail to go around each day to refill 8 or 10 jugs.

- We still have issues with people driving too fast (especially at night) through the compound. People were backing in close proximity to vehicles and people without ground guides.
Improve safety by limiting speed in compound and providing reminders prior to every trail ride. Use ground guides as necessary especially in the compound. We didn't have any major incidents but we sure had some very, very close calls. One accident and we could have a huge problem to deal with LEO's, media, and other folks we just don't need to get hassled by.

-Probably not the correct subject title but, we need to do some more fine tuning of timing and responsibilities. I was 2 days behind schedule to start with and could have shaved 1 day off of those 2 days cause I spent an extra day loading and transporting items for people that said they wanted something and never showed up to get them. One day behind schedule we peopbably could have recovered from. In the end, I struggled horribly to get set up and the gate/registration functioning. Kenny saved my butt on the registration. Others saved my butt on helping unload (Drew and Tinwoodsman on Zero Day for sure). I may have to take more time off from work to accomplish all that is needed.

My little world wasn't the only one. We needed more KP help at the MKT and that affected feeding times. Thanks to those that volunteered but it would sure be nice if others chipped in just one meal and then have someone else do it another meal. MKT tear down is just as critical. By Sunday afternoon Mike was still there. (I was too but I was a victim of my own petard).

We never got the big 4x8 sign made for the front gate and the MKT board was used for that. The big sign said who we were and standing rules for the compound especially safety rules. It also was to make it clear the public was welcome since we need to educate the public about our hobby and grow it.

-Improve....improving. These are all learning points. We are growning and going through growing pains but we have to recognize them and make sure we fix them. I'm planning on taking more time off next year to dedicate to the event. I will set my area up totally different and start earlier to do so. Some things can be fixed NOW such as making the big sign and getting the water cans and faucet caps. I have a post hole digger and failed to think of bringing it for the sign but Durhamtown did the job.

Thanks to all that came, without you, there would not have been an event and we wouldn't have had so much fun.


LLM/Member 785
Super Moderator
Steel Soldiers Supporter
GA Mountains
I will ad my 2cents as I have been mostly silent thus far.

Subject: Dining

Food services were exemplary again this year. The efforts of a few paid off immensly for a cast of hundreds. I would like to maintain the MKT in a similar format but would consider limiting the number of meals served to allow the few that work full time to have rally time as well. Those folks who stepped up, stepped up in fine fashion. There is a committed core group here.
Sustain food services.

Subject: Registration

Having a working gate with some semblance of directed registration was a blessing. It allowed introductions and a more directed participation from members.

Subject: Trail Rides

These have become a staple of activities at the rally. Both organized and unorganized rides were working pretty well. Having dedicated trail leaders was also a blessing as well. I don't think you can ask much more of the folks leading the trails.

My list of improvements deals with the same subjects above.

Subject: Dining

I would like to see the number of meals reduced slightly mainly in the breakfast area and one lunch. The dedicated staff at the MKT works from sunup to sunset on meals for each of us and charges a pittance. They need a break to check out the other going ons of the rally and a chance to enjoy some trail activity. I would reccomend fewer breakfasts and possibly for one lunch, coldcuts where folks can prepare a meal very quickly without slaving over the hot griddles and ovens. With proper supervision, this meal could be served with a minumum staff. I would also ask that more folks get involved in helping for at least one meal. This could be accomplished with a sign up list leading into the rally and a handwritten one upon arrival. Dishes is a main concern and it burns my backside to see the very staff that works for hours feeding members, hunched over a sink behind the MKT (out of sight) humping scrub pads. I would also propose suspending Sunday's breakfast so that we can work to get the MKT all cleaned up Sat eve while folks are still there.

Subject: Registration

It took a while but we had a decent registration system going. My reccomendations here would be to have a 2 person system going and to enter the information directly into a computer. I think the nametages were a help but the clown at the gate shuld have saved all that data. I know he planned to but was overwhelmed at the start and failed. I will work to try to streamline this operation and try to get all the info in a more simplified manner. First time with nametags, we will work to hone the system.

Subject: Trailrides

As well as these go I would offer that perhaps we should have some alternate trail leaders for some of the simple trails. A trail rating system suitable for MVs would help. We need to start a list of equipment that solks will be bringing and maintain that at the gate so that in case of critical recoveries, we can pool the resources as needed.

Additional points:

Most porta potty places have handwashing stations. Perhaps it would be in the rally's interest to fund the rental of these in specific locations.

I learned this year that it's tough to wear 2 hats. Ppl need to apply themselves to one duty and let others step up for the remaining duty.

MKT Teardown:
I think it would be befitting if some of the folks somewhat local could stay behind a bit to help tear down this area. I hate to leave with things still going on but with a 13 hr ride home, I have little choice.


Active member
Hartwell, GA
It was a great rally and was a lot of fun.

Subject - LOCATION: Great location, Great Trails, & Freedom to explore. Durhamtown gives us great freedom from hassles and limitations and this is a great place to have the rally that is relatively free from micromanagement and over regulation.

Subject - RECOMENDATIONS: I agree Additional Porta Potties would be a plus, Handwashing stations are needed, and a water cooler available during the rally as an addition to tea.


PSVB 3003
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Lexington, South Carolina
The 16 x 16 tent was a blessing for putting out the condiments and other items away from the serving line on the MKT,

Tigger handling the money was also a blessing since it freed up me for other duties - I'll have a cash box next year to simplify making change.

Vendors and the buy-sell-trade was great - wish I could have looked over their stuff more, but then I'd be broke!

I have found the manufacturer of the plastic two and four station wash stands (hand sanitation) and plan to purchase one before next year as part of my EFRFS (Emergency First Responder Feeding System). I have purchased a stripped MKT that should be converted into a Mobile Field Sanitation Center (the sinks), also by next year, which should also help in the tear down effort as well as sanitation.

There will be more cold cuts for lunch as they are easier to prepare than a hot meal - so lunch next year will be sandwiches, a bag of chips and a fruit cup, along with bottled water. We made 30 gallons of tea, 25 gallons of Koolaid and 20 gallons of coffee, but it was not enough so the goal for next year is 50, 40, and 30, respectfully.

MKT operation. I've got to get together with the crew and discuss where everything is stored so I'm not so essential to the smooth running and re-supply of essentials. Also need to carry more of the utensils so when items are dirty, we don't need to wash them 'right away' because they are needed 'NOW".


Well-known member
Brooklet, Ga
Not in format but some comments. I agree with all of the above. On the MKT teardown, Geahart, who by the way came from way down at the bottom of South Amercia, Woodywood and myself stayed and helped Mike. I would like to Thank these guys for their help. We finished the job about 1:30 and Mike pulled out.

I hope we can get more help but in my experience with our tractor club it is the core few that do all the work no matter how hard we ask for help. Wash stations and water jugs are a good idea but would be a constant job for some one to keep filled. I bring plenty of bottled water for myself and have shop soap and a water jug set up at my camp for my own cleanup. There was a wash station at the MKT which is very good but I only saw MKT workers use it. I wonder if it would not be better to let people take care of these two items for themselves and not add another duty to be taken care of??


Well-known member
Western NC

Great food- the MKT crew went above and beyond. Great food, at prices that can't be beat.

PA system- it worked great for announcements.

Great people- this can't be said enough. I can set up thoudands of dollars of stuff for sale out, walk away for 2 hours to buy stuff from other people, and come back knowing that nobody will take my stuff. Honesty and integrity ina group that large is a rare thing indeed anymore, and it says volumes about the kind of people on this website


A big sign for the entrance would be great- laying out the rules, speed limits, etc. Most of the speed limit violaters I saw were not rally participants. Streamline has the sign making ability, maybe he can whip something up.

Overworked MKT staff- in the Army when our cooks are working in the field we only serve 2 hot meals a day. Lunch is always MRE's or something similar. To avoid over working the MKT guys and let them have some fun, maybe lunch should be something simpler like cold cuts or a premade bag lunch, or even put out in advance that everyone is on their own for lunch so they can plan and pack accordingly. 2 hot meals off the MKT is plenty, and will let the hard working folks serving and cooking have more time off.

PR- the rally has grown to the point where perhaps we need to start inviting some locla media. The VFW convoy, trail rides, etc are all good selling points, and a good article in the media in Atlanta or Augusta would generate a lot of inetrest.


Active member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Comer, Ga.
My self and my wife had a great time this year! We wish it was October 2012 already!

My ability to help other than offering up my wife to the MKT....lol is as follows:

We never got the big 4x8 sign made for the front gate and the MKT board was used for that. The big sign said who we were and standing rules for the compound especially safety rules. It also was to make it clear the public was welcome since we need to educate the public about our hobby and grow it.

Any Signs yall need to have made forward the request to me and I will do what I can do get them completed for you! I may not be able to do everything all the time but for what I can do I will do! I can make a 4x8 sign in two 4x4 halves to make it easier to transport if this is what yall need and the gate? Send me info on what you need the sign to say and its done!

Also I will work on getting more GA Rally Signs with arrows ready so Clinto can place them out farther from the rally to help direct members and others in like one in Woodville to turn off of 77 towards rally as well as 22 and 44 intersection and others if needed! With my health being ware it is at this time in my life I do not have a lot ability to help out all the time physically but I will offer my skills in business as much as possible!



Active member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Comer, Ga.
O and by the way RECOVERY 4X4"

Don't know what you mean in your early post about my wife running food to me from the MKT being the possible cause of her shoulder injury??................. First off lets get this story right SHE WALKED when she was bringing that food to me then she ran back....lolrofl:grd:
Last edited:


Cincy Ohio

Great food- the MKT crew went above and beyond. Great food, at prices that can't be beat.

PA system- it worked great for announcements.

Great people- this can't be said enough. I can set up thoudands of dollars of stuff for sale out, walk away for 2 hours to buy stuff from other people, and come back knowing that nobody will take my stuff. Honesty and integrity ina group that large is a rare thing indeed anymore, and it says volumes about the kind of people on this website


A big sign for the entrance would be great- laying out the rules, speed limits, etc. Most of the speed limit violaters I saw were not rally participants. Streamline has the sign making ability, maybe he can whip something up.

Overworked MKT staff- in the Army when our cooks are working in the field we only serve 2 hot meals a day. Lunch is always MRE's or something similar. To avoid over working the MKT guys and let them have some fun, maybe lunch should be something simpler like cold cuts or a premade bag lunch, or even put out in advance that everyone is on their own for lunch so they can plan and pack accordingly. 2 hot meals off the MKT is plenty, and will let the hard working folks serving and cooking have more time off.

PR- the rally has grown to the point where perhaps we need to start inviting some locla media. The VFW convoy, trail rides, etc are all good selling points, and a good article in the media in Atlanta or Augusta would generate a lot of inetrest.

I agree with most of this, NO NEED for the media though. Let the MVPA do that.


Rock = older than dirt , GA. MAFIA , Dirty
Steel Soldiers Supporter
In Memorial
gainesville, ga.
not in format, sorry
Last year we had at least 10 porta pottys, thay were cleaned twice, with tp being uploaded two times a day, this cleaning and uploading of tp was absent this year, as well as the extra PPs

Really that is about the only thing that I think that needs to be looked at, other then that everything ealse has been covered already.

Thank you everybody for putting on a OUT STANDING rally


In Memorial
Butler TN.
I think most of the important stuff has been covered! I had a great time and Mike i would be happy to colect for the meals next year if that is where i an needed! Sorry about missing the lunch one day as i was out in the woods helping recover MDMORGANS truck. Only a few small first aid needs. Small cuts and bruses. I will be glad to provide first aid again for next year also. I am adding a few things to my supplies that were asked for this year that i did not have Aleve being one of them. I had enough medical suplies for 200 people. I will be better set up for next year. Carnac had a radio to get ahold of me at the check in at the gate. but the two cuts/scrapes i treated were out on the trails and were vary minor. I had a great time and looking forward to next year. And for next year if you saw my jeep it had a red cross flag on it, there were all of my suplies in the back of the jeep, if im not around and you need somthing by all means take what you need! I was usaly withing shouting range of the jeep. For meals im hepling at the MKT.


Well-known member
Western NC
I agree with most of this, NO NEED for the media though. Let the MVPA do that.

While I know where you are coming from, now that we are doing hardball convoys into the community it is going to happen eventually, no matter if we like it or not.

Better to have a grip on it and somewhat control it than have them show up and surprise everybody.


Possum Connoisseur
Akenback acres near Gadsden, AL
Speaking for myself I do the MKT mission as a labor of love for the good folks that show up.

Neither Mike nor I take a portion of the profits for personal use....those are plowed back into the next rally so we can provide good meals. Steak night this time was basically at cost since we bought quality meat.

I did take charge of the Hardball Convoy but that only took a small amount of time from the cooking mission. I don't trailride so I am happy to be "in the rear with the gear"

I think we will adopt the cold cut lunch for all days of the rally.

One thing we need to do is have stuff prepped for the next day but as it was pointed out we are short of full time staff. This will mean that we can serve breakfast at the
same time every morning to make sure the first trail ride can get out the gate on time.

One idea we may float is paid KP's.....either someone locally who needs the work or a member that wants to make some money to offset the trip to the rally.

This may mean an increase in prices but we are still on par or below with locally available food....and we are close.

I sent Mike an idea I had for converting his stripped MKT to a washing station before the next rally.

We spent some money on the tent that Streamline provided but I look at that as an investment in future rallys. The guys from the National Guard are going to loan us chairs next year so we don't have to buy or store them.

Ref media....that is a task I can handle since that was what I did in the Army. I am going to make up some talking points cards to give out to help folks explain who we are and what we do. if approached by the media. Unless I get the word from Clinto we wll remain passive as far as media goes....if they come in refer them to me and I'll give them the nickle tour and party line.

If we have a paid staffer his/her tasks will include keeping the hand washing station filled by the dining area.


Communications - We had a green HF radio out on most of the trail rides that was able to keep reliable communications back to camp, and even made contact with amateur stations in Europe/Russia. There were a few dead spots on the hardball convoy, but developing a proper frequency/band plan next year will fix that problem. -Sustain

Comm improvement - Write up a predetermined radio plan (freq's, procedures...) including most amateur bands, CB, FRS, etc...
Provide local amateur repeater info (if available), and at least one CB talk-in channel for off-site travel in and out of the park.
Link HF RTO's (radiotelephone operators) with medical and staff personnel by short-range radio as needed, on trail rides AND in camp.
Assign specific freq's or channels to staff, medics, etc...

...MKT operation. I've got to get together with the crew and discuss where everything is stored so I'm not so essential to the smooth running and re-supply of essentials...
I have a suggestion for this. You could draw out a simple "map" of where everything is stored and post it in a convenient spot. That will help reinforce your initial walkthrough with the MKT staff and there should be fewer "Remind me where this is" conversations.


Well-known member
Western NC
Communications - We had a green HF radio out on most of the trail rides that was able to keep reliable communications back to camp, and even made contact with amateur stations in Europe/Russia. There were a few dead spots on the hardball convoy, but developing a proper frequency/band plan next year will fix that problem. -Sustain

Comm improvement - Write up a predetermined radio plan (freq's, procedures...) including most amateur bands, CB, FRS, etc...
Provide local amateur repeater info (if available), and at least one CB talk-in channel for off-site travel in and out of the park.
Link HF RTO's (radiotelephone operators) with medical and staff personnel by short-range radio as needed, on trail rides AND in camp.
Assign specific freq's or channels to staff, medics, etc...

I have a suggestion for this. You could draw out a simple "map" of where everything is stored and post it in a convenient spot. That will help reinforce your initial walkthrough with the MKT staff and there should be fewer "Remind me where this is" conversations.
I may have about 10-12 MURS handhelds available next year, free for use by the group if they are needed.


Rock = older than dirt , GA. MAFIA , Dirty
Steel Soldiers Supporter
In Memorial
gainesville, ga.
The one thing I would like to see would be ALL the trucks other then USED (109, ect.), lined up, side to side, instead spread out all over the FOB, almost motor pool like. if not all together, then in a few groups, the visual affect would be out standing this many trucks


Active member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Comer, Ga.
The one thing I would like to see would be ALL the trucks other then USED (109, ect.), lined up, side to side, instead spread out all over the FOB, almost motor pool like. if not all together, then in a few groups, the visual affect would be out standing this many trucks

I would agree as well on this point. I kept looking out from my area on Friday and Saturday wondering if we made it to our 75 vehicle count from last year so I guess that would be because of the vehicles being so spread out because it was posted that we mad it past 80.


4 Star General /Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Steel Soldiers Supporter
The Durhamtown Plantation, has an EMT and vehicle that constantly circles the premises.

We also had our own member on the ready as well.


Bonners Ferry, Idaho
:pnext year I'd be more than willing to donate more of my voluntary time. I worked in kitchens a great deal of my life and can pretty much do anything. I'd even help wash the dishes too if you guys would raise the sinks. Washing dishes with Oddball was fun even at 30 in the morning.
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