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Code Enforcement

Awesome Possum

New member
Central Texas
Heck why don't all the Florida area MV owners in his area show up at the next hearing. Overwhelm the parking lots. Some fake M2s in the gun rings. Or empty ammo crates stacked in the back just to make the folks a bit more nervous. Enough weight of MVs on the parking lot that the asphalt starts to crack and cave on that soggy ground underneath.
This sounds an awful lot like Willful Destruction of Public Property. Is that what you're advocating here? I stayed off this thread for a long time, but sometimes some of you guys sound more like an angry mob. And angry mobs are dangerous.

Awesome Possum

New member
Central Texas
Someone is telling a free man what he can and cannot do with his money, on his property, while not harming a soul.

Did I miss something?

The twit in question deserves whatever misfortune befalls her. She has no respect for others, and none has been earned by her. She has chosen to continue to abuse what authority was shamefully granted her, and her record needs to show how incapable of such trust she is. Personal lawsuit, restraining orders, and every legal means available should be used to ruin her life. Period. She is a parasite. And the first rule of being a successful one in nature as well as government is they remain unobtrusive if they wish to avoid being dealt with.

If this is turning into a mob, you are it's leader. The above is pure character assassination. Let's see some citations to back up what you're saying. All I see is torches and pitchforks here. Isn't there an Occupy protest somewhere near you where this would be appropriate?

Darwin T

Active member
Port Arthur, Texas
if you don't standup for what you belive then it will be taken away. No Christ in Christmas, No In God We Trust, No One Nation Under God, ect. one person gets there felling hurt and everyone has to change to keep one person happy. i am a veterian who served to protect our freedom, and i am one of our. there is no I in team but there is a U in S U C K S and after the code ticket writer and the city persecuter both told me i could not park a commercial vehicle on my property which none of mine are (so i did what they said and they fined me. they are both U's, lier's and thieves.

i just opened this post (straight to the last page) again today and i know i should not have because it gets my blood pressure up everytime. if everytime some whinney little crybaby does not like what you do and you don't defend yourself then you will loose.

you never saw an angry mob of mad scientists chassing a villager with torchs and pitch forks.

PS. there is also U's in push, pull and Uranus. hehehehehe i said Uranus :jumpin:
Last edited:


New member
If this is turning into a mob, you are it's leader. The above is pure character assassination. Let's see some citations to back up what you're saying. All I see is torches and pitchforks here. Isn't there an Occupy protest somewhere near you where this would be appropriate?
I take that as a compliment of sorts. Although you seem to like government bureaucrats telling people what to do, so I think you'll be at Occupy "X" before I will. They seem to think the .gov can fix anything...

"Code Enforcement" is a crock. If someone wants to buy some land and live in some McMansion or a Sanyo box, it's none of anyone else's concern.

He also was NOT in violation of the idiotic ordinance, as verified by the other officer.

If you feel the need to lick boots and defend anyone with any type of tin badge the local angry housewives debating society gave out, by all means. I have dealt with too many "local officials" who have no idea how ridiculous they are, and who try to cause problems just because they can. Demonstrations of power such as these are common with weak personality types. Everyone has dealt with them. Sadly, our society no longer allows such Napoleon complex sufferers the relief of a good beating. We can only ruin their financial/social lives and hope the next one sees how NOT to behave toward others.

I hope he gets back all of his costs and a nice bonus for the headache.
When the govt started charging "real estate taxes" actual ownership of real estate ended.
By their charging tax/rent you don't own it anymore.
When you don't pay your rent they throw you out and get someone who will. It is exactly the same with "ownership" of real estate.
It's called economic slavery. All "citizens" of the USA are economic slaves today. This is a large part of what is wrong with the USA today.
This progression to economic slavery has been going on since 1910 or sooner.

Advancing this new form of slavery is what the federal reserve does. It does it by stealing the value from your bank account by causing and controlling "inflation".

The federal reserve is NOT a federal agency... it holds no reserves...
The name is a carefully crafted trick to make you think it is a federal agency when it is not.
Don't believe this??? Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island". By G. Edward Griffin.

Someone once said; The American people will never accept communism. But call it something else like progressive or liberal and they will accept it all. One day they will realize the USA has gone communist.

I believe we have arrived at the communist point already.
**** shame. This was once a great country.
This is not hard to see. The electeds ARE the elite privileged few now. They have exempted themselves from most all the laws... like insider trading. They do it all the time.

If we don't start aggressively voting all the liberal/commies (and squishy republicans) out of office the USA is dead.
On a personal note I don't want to learn chinese.
Darwin T and Heath_h49008 among others, have apparently noticed the changes in the old USA.
The key to destroying the USA is our "fiat money". fiat money is money that is actually worth nothing more than you believe it to be worth at the moment.

I have more but I have to go now.


Awesome Possum

New member
Central Texas
When the govt started charging "real estate taxes" actual ownership of real estate ended.
By their charging tax/rent you don't own it anymore.
When you don't pay your rent they throw you out and get someone who will. It is exactly the same with "ownership" of real estate.
It's called economic slavery. All "citizens" of the USA are economic slaves today. This is a large part of what is wrong with the USA today.
This progression to economic slavery has been going on since 1910 or sooner.

Advancing this new form of slavery is what the federal reserve does. It does it by stealing the value from your bank account by causing and controlling "inflation".

The federal reserve is NOT a federal agency... it holds no reserves...
The name is a carefully crafted trick to make you think it is a federal agency when it is not.
Don't believe this??? Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island". By G. Edward Griffin.

Someone once said; The American people will never accept communism. But call it something else like progressive or liberal and they will accept it all. One day they will realize the USA has gone communist.

I believe we have arrived at the communist point already.
**** shame. This was once a great country.
This is not hard to see. The electeds ARE the elite privileged few now. They have exempted themselves from most all the laws... like insider trading. They do it all the time.

If we don't start aggressively voting all the liberal/commies (and squishy republicans) out of office the USA is dead.
On a personal note I don't want to learn chinese.
Darwin T and Heath_h49008 among others, have apparently noticed the changes in the old USA.
The key to destroying the USA is our "fiat money". fiat money is money that is actually worth nothing more than you believe it to be worth at the moment.

I have more but I have to go now.

We are not on different sides. Big Glenn fan here. I hate what's happening in our country and am prepared to defend it to the best of this broken down body can do. I can still write but I probably didn 't put it that clearly. What I was originally trying to point out is that this thread occasionally gets some blood in it's eyes, and things get alittle out of hand. Entertaining at times, but usually good for the antacid companies.

Heath, I bet we agree on a lot more than you think, and I have little but contempt for .gov. My apologies for the occupy crack. (Guess I got a bit of that blood in my eyes too.) But nothing's going to be resolved in the big picture of where our country is going unless we know how to choose which battle we're in. Don't let anger rule our thinking here, and talk of crushing parking lots (I know, not your comment) is not going to do our country, or our hobby, any good. If you want to go after a corrupt official, get the documentation together. If it's there it won't be hard.

Bob, I KNOW you are awake to all that is going on. "Top down, bottom up, inside out". Google this Gentlemen, if you're not familiar with the saying. We cannot afford to be the bottom up portion of this (or any other for that matter). Largely I think we all know what's important to us, those of you who have proudly served, and those of us who hold you in esteem for doing it. If we turn into a mob, then we lose. We're better than that, and it's been proven time and time again.


New member
Guys, I think more people than ever are figuring out there's a problem. Sorry I got a bit colorful there with the boot crack.

It's going to be a long haul taking apart this monstrosity of government fiefdoms our grandparents and parents built over the last 100 years. They had good intentions, but socialism is malignant. But, one idiotic law/bureaucrat at a time we can dismantle dysfunction.

I never thought there would be a day so many people would start to "get it" in this country. When ending the Federal Reserve would be a major topic for "mainstream" candidates, and people on major talk radio would be talking about FA Hayek and Mises. We have hope. Even if we just help one guy crush one nasty little .gov functionary's career, we have moved ahead.

It's nice to have a bunch of guys like you all who do "Get it."

ps A favorite quote of mine, from a supposed ancestor/kin on my dad's side...
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!" - Samuel Adams


New member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Pittsboro, NC
One more pitiful p*ssing contest with someone who has no life other than his/her petty office, against someone who has more than a life, a passion and==dare we say it==something that gives him or her a lot of enjoyment? Those with no life just don't get those of us who do....


Titusville Florida
Well, I can see that I need to make another posting. I must apologize as my home computer is down as my daughter downloaded some music off the internet and the anti-virus software did not block the virus. I am in the process of correcting that situation. In the meantime, I am on the laptop that I use for work.

I will try to answer everyone’s questions since my last post and I also see that things have gotten a little heated and the pacifistic crowd has weighed in again.

“Any update or do you need some BAIL money cause they threw you in the old hoosegow”
First, to let everyone know, I am not in the HOOSEGOW and thanks for caring TBEARATKIN!

“The Court date was November 14th, Today is the 19th. What happened in court....?”
Islandguydon – as you can see from the intro above, had computer problems and I am just now able to post an update, but as I checked I see a lot more people have weighed in and I will try to answer/comment on everyone’s postings.

USAFSS-ColdWarrior I will answer/comment on each of your questions and comments below:

Inquiring Mimes want to know....

1. Gag Order!

No Gag Order just computer problems (see above)

2. Taken directly to the Stockade?

Would not have been a bad thing and I was willing to go as I have more time on my hands than money. However, no stockade at this point

3. Vehicles IMPOUNDED?

No and as you read the update you will see that the Code Enforcement Officials are no longer allowed on my property.

4. Case THROWN OUT for Bureaucratic Bull?

No, however, the case was dismissed for being in compliance

5. The jury is still out on this, but the county inmates are constructing a GALLOWS on the courthouse lawn?

No, I doubt that the City Government are smart enough to design let alone build a gallows

6. Geraldo Rivera is TDY to the area?

Unfortunately, he turned down my invitation to come and cover the breaking news. However, News 13 seems to be interested in the story.

7. Oprah is giving away the "keys" to MV's on her next show.
This could have been a reality had the City Government confiscated my MVs as Oprah definitely belongs to the pacifist group.

8. The Late Show's David Letterman's next TOP TEN list is all about HOA's and CODE ENFORCEMENT.

This may very well be the case and could give us all tips on what to do and not do when it comes to HOAs and Code Enforcement

9. The legal team has previously "assisted": OJ, Lindsay Lohan, Little Michael Jackson's Doc, the lady that spilled HOT McD's coffee on herself, AND the Toco Bell Dog's estate..... the jury is STILL out.

Did not have the funds to hire the Dream Team and Johnny Cochran, unfortunately, has passed away.

10. The FED's have stepped in and are revoking the EUC's on the offending motorpool.

Never thought of this; could it happen? I guess even though all my MVs are titled and registered, I guess they could still impound them.

11. Other.

There are a lot of others associated with this entire episode and we will elaborate on it further. However, one must be mindful as it is only ONE SIDE OF THE STORY which you have been told. But the ONE SIDE OF THE STORY is backed up with documented evidence of which some is and will be posted here.

OK, there are some options.... WASSUP ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Read On

“A continuation while the attorneys bounce letters back and forth and run up the bill?”
For Rosie’s comment below, I have to tell you that I do not, as of yet, have an attorney but I would imagine that if I did your comment would hold true; thanks

For Simp5782 I thank you for the post, however, you must know that your comment has stirred up the “PeaceNiks and Pacifistic” individuals that are unable to read between the lines and see that your comment was in jest; but I appreciated the thought….thanks.

For Heath_h49008; I believe that the Courtney H. Barker I have met lives in Titusville in Country Club Estates but I could be wrong. AC Cages is right with his commentBarker is well known for causing problems and not following the rules. No one at City Hall over there likes her either.” She allegedly led the charge in her own neighborhood against a man that worked on his vehicle in his driveway in order to make him stop. However, I must admit that this is before my time. Since this is long, I will post this and then give a generic update on what has transpired in this saga.


Titusville Florida
Now, as Paul Harvey always states "The Rest of the Story". After receiving the Notice of Hearing from the Municipal Code Enforcement Board, I submitted my Formal complaint which I will attach to this posting. I sent the formal complaint to the City Manager as well as the Community Advocate. It was sent to the City in three different ways, I sent it by email, by facsimile, and by registered return receipt US Mail. All three methods were received. The following is the email that I sent to the City Manager’s office to the Executive Assistant to Mr. Ryan:
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 11:53 AM

To: Daniels, Kathy; Thomas, Jim

Subject:- Request for Assistance and Letter of Complaint

- Dynamic IP detected

Importance: High

Ms. Daniels,

Attached is a letter of complaint that I am requesting assistance with from the Office of the City Manager as well as informing the Community Advocate. I am also sending this letter by certified mail with a return receipt requested and by facsimile as well. A copy is also being sent to the Community Advocate. If I could receive some assistance with regards to this matter I would be very grateful.


David A. Vindich

The very next day, I was contacted by the Community Advocate, Mr. Thomas, by email. He was

a CC on the original email as well as the facsimile that was sent. He stated that he would look into my concerns and get back to me. I immediately responded with the following email:

On 11/8/2011 5:25 PM, Thomas, Jim wrote:

Hi David, I was checking to see you have heard from Mike Bauer as of today, during a brief discussion I was informed that he was going to contact you. I did not speak with him directly but I did speak with our code enforcement/City Attorney. From what I understand there is no pending code case now. In addition, the notice had crossed in the mail within a day of the last inspection that indicated there was no current violations.

This is better explained by Mr. Bauer but I did not want you to think we were not following up on your concerns. Again, it was brief discussion I had with the City Attorney as he was preparing for tonight's council meeting. Just the same he took the time to tell me that there was no longer a pending case and indicated that the letter had crossed in the mail as Mr. Bauer made a follow up visit.

For informational purposes we did have a meeting that lasted over half a day on Friday. Courtney was involved as well as the city manager and all other department heads. Likewise we another such meeting on Monday morning as I attended both. In addition, besides Social Services, Planning and Zoning, and Code Enforcement Courtney oversees (Manages) Economic Development which is currently in transition as a vacant position. Currently that area quite busy with potential projects which is a positive for the city. Both her and the City Manager have been working in that capacity as well as tending to their normal responsibilities for the past two weeks.

We regularly have Planning and Zoning meetings (Courtney's Department), code meetings (Courtney's Department) and Council meetings such as tonight. Council meetings can involve many departments but almost always involves Planning and Zoning. On a today like today some of the salaried personnel may come in as early 8:00 am and be here as late or later than 12 midnight. What I am explaining is the department heads can easily work well over 40-50 or even 60 hours. Therefore there are times during the work week that a manager may not be as accessible or may flex some time due to the work load.

Let me know if you do not hear from Mr. Bauer and what else I can do to assist you, I just wanted to make sure I made contact prior to going upstairs to the meeting. My phone number is listed below if you would rather contact me by phone rather than email. Sorry for your inconvenience.

Jim Thomas

Community Relations

My response to Mr. Thomas’ email is below:

Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 11:40 AM
To: Thomas, Jim
Cc: Daniels, Kathy
Subject: jim.thomas@Titusville.com - Re: jim.thomas@titusville.com - Request for Assistance and Letter of Complaint
Importance: High

Mr. Thomas,

First, I want to thank you for responding. However, I now have more concerns dealing with your response. I will address each issue but I want you to know a little bit about myself as well. I am a retired Marine Corps Officer that has spent 26 years supporting this great country of ours. I have lived by a code of ethics which seems to be lacking in our public officials these days and I have a huge problem with this and come **** or high water, I see things through to the end; I am not always right but I stand up for what I believe in and have integrity.
You stated below that Mr. Bauer will contact me but at this point he has not. I spoke with him personally on 2 Nov and I believe that if he said he would contact me then he will when he has a chance. You stated that you spoke with the Code Enforcement/City Attorney and he stated that their was no pending case against me and that the summons to appear before the Municipal Code Enforcement Board crossed in the mail. Forgive me if I do not understand your procedures; are you stating that I am now going to get another letter prior to the 14th of November stating that the violations have been corrected and that I no longer need to appear? Pardon me if I am just a little skeptical because at this point the City has not been exactly truthful and certain individuals take it upon themselves to change the laws. I do not want to "NOT SHOW" for my hearing as "DIRECTED" and then find out that I am in more supposed trouble. If there is no procedure in place to notify the "Defendant" that the complaints are no longer valid then I think the Board needs to rectify that and create the proper procedures to dismiss a case once the subpoena has been issued.
You state that many of the salaried individuals work in excess of 40 hours and sometimes take "Flex Time" to compensate as a reason why Ms. Barker was unavailable on the Friday. First, what was the date of the Friday you were referring to? You see, if we are talking the same date, then something is amiss here. You state that Ms. Barker was in a meeting with you on Friday and again on Monday but did not list any dates. However, I was told that on the Friday that I refer to in my complaint, I was told by Mr. Randy Woodruff, Ms. Barker's Code Enforcement Manager, that Ms. Barker had left for the day to take care of a family issue. To many conflicting stories makes me a little skeptical about what I am being told.
I understand that you are telling me that there is no longer a Code Violation; which is good news and I am pleased especially since the accusations were false. However, my complaint has not been addressed and as far as I am aware there has been no action taken to correct the situation. The situation that I am referring to is the fact that Ms. Barker took it upon herself to change the regulations of the City and violated my rights by taking an anonymous complaint and then harassing me over an invalid code violation and threatening further City Legal Action. According to Mr. Bauer, Ms. Barker sent him specifically to my address on 2 November to inspect. This in no way constitutes random inspections but specifically targets an individual. I believe that the City of Titusville is over run with Code Violations and could keep the Code Enforcement Department and the Municipal Code Enforcement Board busy for years to come without specifically targeting anyone.
You state that Ms. Barker is actually performing the duties of Economic Development which is currently vacant. You would think with the unemployment rate as high as it is that the City would hire a qualified individual to perform the duties of Economic Development for the City, which in my line of work is Business Development. I am currently unemployed, hire me to perform those duties. I do not want to get sarcastic but I believe that you can understand my frustration and I would like to know what is going to be done to 1) Satisfy my complaint with Ms. Barker and 2) Identify the person and/or persons that allegedly made the complaint against me as it is my right to face my accuser as my name has been Slandered by this individual. As I stated in my letter to the City Manager that I provided you with a copy of, my next step is the US Marshal's Office to request help and after that the State Government. However, I hope that it does not have to go that route and that we can resolve the two issues at the lowest level possible.
I want to thank you again for your response and I do accept your apology for the inconvenience, however, it is now more than an inconvenience. I appreciate the offer to call but I do not know your schedule and would hate to interrupt; what would be a good time to talk as I would like to discuss this situation further, perhaps a face to face meeting would be beneficial and I am amenable to a meeting with you concerning this issue. Please let me know what is best for you and your schedule.
David A. VindichMr. Thomas replied back to most of my concerns within the above email as you can see from his response posted below:
From: Thomas, Jim
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 1:34 PM
Subject: FW: jim.thomas@Titusville.com - Re: jim.thomas@titusville.com - Request for Assistance and Letterof Complaint - Dynamic IP detected - Email has different SMTP TO: and MIME TO: fields in the email addresses
Importance: High

The Friday I was referring to was Friday November 4, the meeting began at 8:30 and ended around noon. The Monday meeting November 6. The information was not meant as a minute by minute accounting but was provided to you since I was also present and it was the only information I could offer you at the time that I knew to be correct and factual. I do not know what may or may have occurred the rest of the day.
As far as code enforcement, there is job announcement on the street for a interim director. The Economic Development position was just vacated and the direction is a state of flux while the city council decides how they want to proceed with the position. The City of Titusville, Florida - Employment Opportunities
“I do not want to "NOT SHOW" for my hearing as "DIRECTED" and then find out that I am in more supposed trouble”
I understand your concern completely and will get the answer for you quickly.
I would like to discuss this situation further, perhaps a face to face meeting would be beneficial”
I agree with you one hundred percent, I think that is always best, I am not a big fan of emails.
· Let me see what I can find out about the current status of anonymous complaints and I will re-contact you and see when we can meet.

26 years is a long career, most military personnel that make 20 seem to leave then or shortly thereafter. I only did four, said I would never regret getting out even though I liked the military. It took while but eventually I regretting not make a career of it.
I will get back to you quickly.
Jim Thomas
Mr. Thomas then sent a few more emails which I responded to each and everyone. Well, I can sit here and post copies of all the emails, but you can see at this point that I have an email dialogue going with Mr. Thomas. I grew very tired of emails and requested a meeting face to face. We had the meeting on Friday, 18 November 2011 which of course was after the Hearing. I continued to request an official notice of cancellation of my requirement to appear before the Municipal Code Enforcement Board but only got an email from Mr. Thomas stating that I did not have to attend and a hand written notice on the back of Mr. Bauer’s business card taped to my front door of my home stating that I did not have to appear. This again proved my point that the city does not have proper procedures in place to notify individuals that they do not have to appear once they have been summoned. In my opinion, this is unprofessional and demonstrates a Board that does not know what they are really doing. The bottom line was that I provided the proper documentation that I was in compliance with the Codes that I was being charged with violating, that I was told to appear before the Municipal Board and I was financially threatened by the city. However, the anonymous Plaintiff escapes again and my Constitutional Rights are violated along with my Civil Rights. Not trusting an inept City Board, My wife attended the hearing to ensure that I did not have to appear. Our case number was called last and it was dismissed and I was deemed to be in compliance; End of Story; or is it?

My meeting with Mr. Thomas was very casual and professional. I informed him of the entire history of the Code Violations concerning my property. I told him how my neighbor lady who worked for the city abused her position and had my vehicle towed because she did not like the way it looked (another story), how I was turned in by a fictitious character that appeared the evening before as a character in the Movie of the week on TV….a Mrs. Kredalcamp, because the City will not take anonymous complaints, and the Coup de Taut of complaints, how I was turned in by my neighbor and when he was confronted about it denied he turned me in and went to City Hall to Code Enforcement and had the complaint dropped and stipulated Identity Theft. Mr. Thomas stated he had no idea and I told him it is all in the records and that this is now verging on Harassment. I informed him that I was not going to let the situation drop and that Ms. Barker had abused her trust and misused her position and that I was going to pursue disciplinary action and an apology by the City. The funny thing about all of this is the fact that I received an anonymous telephone message telling me that I need to send my complaint directly to the Mayor himself otherwise nothing would be done. The person that left the message did not identify themselves nor did they identify the office that they work for. When I told Mr. Thomas this, he was visible shaken by this fact. I wish I new how to take a cell phone message and turn it into an audio file and post it here….if someone knows please tell me.
I read in the forum that and I quote “Have y'all considered that we've only heard one side of this story?” You must realize that the one side of the story is also backed up with documentation out the waaazoo and that I am not afraid to post it for all to form their own opinions. However, as some have said in the forum and I really believe it and that is One must stand up for what he not only believes in but for what is right. Again, I will tell you that if I am wrong, I will be the first to admit it but I will not take this or anything else lying down! I informed Mr. Thomas that I would send my letter of complaint to the Mayor of Titusville directly before going to the US Marshall's office and the State Attorney’s Office. I will try to resolve this issue once and for all at the lowest level possible.

Again, I ask the moderator to not cancel this thread because of one individual. I am trying real hard to behave as promised. I believe that all the members that are paying attention to this thread may learn how to deal with Code Enforcement problems should they occur in their neck of the woods. I am an advocate of using the system against those that have devised the system to the best of my abilities but I also vent my frustration and anger at the apparent ineptness of those that think they are empowered over others. I wonder how the ACLU would weigh in on this situation; I have my own opinions on that one and this is not the place to mention them. Oh, one more thing, please do GOOGLE me by all means as I am very proud of what I have accomplished in my short 51 years!

Stay tuned to the same Bat Channel and hope we don’t get canceled; the next step is the mayor’s letter.




A/C Cages

Good to hear from you finally. I thought I was going to have to drive over to your house or the jail and bail you out.
If they do send you to jail, make your phone call to me first or just tell the admin officer there to call Jon at A/C Cages. I bet you wont send a second in a jail if you do that. 99% of them over there know me. They also know im not nice at all to local PDs who cross the line. Just ask Deputy Roland Hernandez... lol

But like I said, Good to hear from you and keep us updated on the witch!


No but I sure aged those three years at the Embassy as she went from age 15 to 18. Glad her mother was the Post Mistress and they knew if they wanted their mail they had better walk a straight line. This was before the days of email and the only news from home came via the US Mail.


Titusville Florida
No but I sure aged those three years at the Embassy as she went from age 15 to 18. Glad her mother was the Post Mistress and they knew if they wanted their mail they had better walk a straight line. This was before the days of email and the only news from home came via the US Mail.

I was on the Marine Security Guard Program; was the Operations Officer and worked with the Diplomatic Security Group. What was your posting; which Embassy and during what time frame?



Leesburg, Virginia

I have had similar issues with one neighbor and not just about the m1009 I recently bought but also about any of the vehicles of people that live at our house, and any of our doings. We aren't reckless and we don't disturb any of the other neighbors because after the first complaint we went door to door to apologize. A couple of days ago I got a letter that stated we can't have derelict or junk vehicles in plain view of the public. The letter went on to describe derelict or junk as a vehicle with no state inspection OR valid license plates, my m1009 has valid plates that you can clearly see in the picture. They letter then went on to say we can paint or drain fluids in view of the public and I'm not, there is a stickie note sized spot under the vehicle in the picture from the shock leaking.

This neighbor is crazy and no matter what we do he always finds something to complain about. I forgot to mention our direct neighbor to our right is the President of the Board for the HOA, he likes the vehicle and has had no problems with us and would always tell us if he did. The only problem is he can't discuss these issues with openly, conflict of interest or something along those lines.
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