Just put 5 gallons of 383 on my 1083 camper ! Mixed 4 part 383 1 part laquer thinner and it came out great .There was some concern with the Rapco being to glossy so i used 4 to 1 paint and laquer thinner shot it outside in 80 degree sunshine i shot 5 gallons and not 1 run and thats not because im a good painter it went on so easy the truck was like a sponge ! I sanded the cab and box with a da and 220 and a scuffpad and it came out flat no sheen . If i had known it would go so easy i would have done this a year ago.

Internal Build Out

Internal Build Out Part 2

1083 with 5 gallons of Rapco 383

Internal Build Out

Internal Build Out Part 2

1083 with 5 gallons of Rapco 383

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