Gunfreak has been a mechanical inspiration showing the details of a tear-down, sure miss him around here.
Yes he has. He should be about done with basic training by now. Maybe we will hear from him before he heads of to his MOS school.
Today I got the front brakes hooked back up, everything bled and a test drive done. The truck stopped great!!.....until the rubber hose that goes from the steel line to the driver side wheel blew. It was old and brittle. I'll be hunting down more hoses and adding the numbers to our part list soon.
Some of the wheel cylinders are leaking and will need rebuilt/replaced in the near future. I plan on going through the brakes, completing an axle at a time, starting with the front, as time allows.
I also spoke with the person that sold the truck to the guy I bought it from and got a little history on the thing. It came out of the military, went to the forestry service and then to a fire department in Kansas, which is who he bought it from. He said that it had a leaking head gasket when he got it and when he tore things down to replace that, had a valve job done. That was less than 4,000 miles ago. He also has a complete NOS set of canvas for the bed that I am going to go get on Saturday. The truck had a gun turret, bows and new spare tires as well, but the guy I bought it from didn't want any of that and it was all sold not long ago

...except for the canvas. He said he also has a trailer, some plug wires and a generator.
I've also got a lead on some other bows that I am following up on.