This is really interesting. Two of you are saying that the NHC250 will run on alternative fuels. I had no idea. I'm not about to just start throwing MWO in mine but it's nice to know that it can handle it during an emergency. Do you guys have a recommended ratio of WMO: Diesel or WMO:gasoline?
I'll try to make this brief.
The multifuel engine is designed to run on various fuels as a design feature. This is why it needs stuff like the FDC (fuel density compensator) to run those multiple fuels. It also has relatively loose tolerances to accommodate the differences..
The NHC250 is solely designed for diesel, however, it is also an older diesel with looser tolerances... and as such, can handle a little bit of... uhm... I can't cuss on this forum, so we'll call it 'effery'...

.. The
limitation on running WMO or WMO/GAS mixes (with less than 15% RUG or Regular Unleaded Gasoline) isn't really with the design of the diesel engine, it's the surrounding components, eg injectors, injector pump, etc. The older engines with looser tolerances can accept a much wider range of stuff without causing too much of an issue. The newer stuff is built to insane tolerances with very narrow injector spray patterns, and pumps that are sensitive to changes in viscosity. The original diesel engines were designed to run on pretty much anything... including peanut oil...
The multifuel will run on 100% WMO without issue.. It's designed to do that, and I know people who have run nothing but WMO through their daily driven M35A2 with the occasional top off of diesel when going out of town.
The NHC250, in theory, can handle 100% WMO if filtered properly, however, I would probably either make WMO85 (85% WMO/15% RUG), or 50/50 WMO/Diesel, in order to lower the viscosity.
To note, I ran my CUCV with 6.2 diesel on 50/50 WMO/diesel without issue, other than clogging the filter very quickly after the first 100 or so miles... I know it wasn't the WMO because I filtered down to .5 micron (yes, half a micron).
Oil has a ton of dispersants and detergents in it, which will clean out your tank, fuel lines, etc of any residual gunk that's in there... So a LOT of issues switching over to WMO have to do not only with filtering the WMO properly before it gets in the tank, but 30-60 years of junk in the tank getting cleared out by the super cleaning impact of oil in the fuel tank/lines.